• Comic Books for Kids
• Honey Bees
• Rumble Bumble Bees
• Killer Bees
• Strange Humans
• Winged Allies of Stinging Power
• Thee Bees
Thee Bees is a fantastical group of Honey Bees and Winged Allies of Stinging Power (WASP). They have united in the rainforest of Brazil. Their work is to thwart the plans of the Strange Humans, helped by Killer Bees, to take control of earth. Beeswax News brings you these fun comic books for the whole family. Get behind the Honey Bees, the Rumble Bumble Bees and the swarm of Winged Allies of Stinging Power (WASP) to help save the world!

Thee Bees Children's Comic Books

Episode I: Bee Ready...Or Not
Episode I takes us into the deep dark rainforest of Brazil to Dr. Yuc’s experimental laboratory. At the command of L. General, Dr. Yuc and his sidekick, I.B. Wong, have unleased an army of souped up Killer Bees led by Bee Bee Stinger. Honey Bee, Glory Bee, frees herself from capture by the Rumble Bumble Bees. The only hope to save the world from the Killer Bees and their Stange Human creators are the Honey Bees and the Winged Allies of Stinging Power (WASP).
Episode II: Here Come Thee Bees
Episode II finds the Honey Bees swarming to a new home
headquarters atop Mt. St. Bernard. At the Bee Jive Club, the hang-out of Mumbes Bee Bad and the Rumble Bumble Bees, Killer Bees swarm to take control of the world's honey supply. A disguised Johnny Bee Good makes his own plans. Strange Humans' Dr. Yuc and I.B. Wong are out to track the escaped Killer Bees before L. General roars into the jungle with the Coalition of the Restless Underdogs (CRUD).

Thanks to our wonderful Thee Bees artist,
Diane Johnson!

Episode III:
Bee Awake
Episode III flies us into an epic battle of right vs. wrong...Honey Bees vs. Killer Bees...Killer Bees vs. Strange Humans...Strange Humans vs. WASP...WASP vs. CRUD. What will happen? Who will win? Find out in the next episode of WASP vs. Killer Bees!
Thee Bees Love You Song

Free Bazillion dollar C.R.U.D. money for every bazillion spent!

WASP v Killer Bees Episode I. FREE SHIPPING USA. $3.50

WASP v Killer Bees Episode II. FREE SHIPPING USA. $3.50
Thee Bees trading card pack. 12 cards + bonus card. FREE SHIPPING. Pack $2.50
WASP v Killer Bees 1” pins. FREE SHIPPING. Each $1.50